Marketing Essentials

Section 1: Advertising Media

After You Read Online Action

Key Terms and Concepts

  1. The two main types of advertising are promotional and institutional advertising.
  2. The six different kinds of print media are newspaper advertising, magazine advertising, direct mail, directory advertising, outdoor advertising, and transit advertising.
  3. Media planning is the process of selecting the time and space in various media for advertising to accomplish an objective.
  4. Academic Skills

  5. Network TV = 41.7% (20.4/48.9 billion)
    Local TV = 33.1% (16.2/48.9 billion)
    Cable TV = 25.2% (12.3/48/9 billion)
    (Due to rounding, total percentage does not equal 100 percent.)
  6. Reports should exhibit a chronological history of print advertisement.
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