Parenting Rewards & Responsibilities © 2007

Parenting Scenarios :

Driving Safely with Children

Although you do your best to encourage your children to get along and treat each other nicely, you realize they are going to fight sometimes. Your patience is put to the test when you are driving with your children in the car. Not only is it annoying to hear them arguing while you’re trying to drive, it is also getting to be a safety issue.

Try This

You drive your 6-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son to school each day. During the ride they continually call each other names, hit each other, scream accusations, and generally make the trip miserable for you. You do not want them walking to school and you don’t live far enough away for them to ride the school bus. Even putting one child in the front seat and the other in the back doesn’t stop the fighting. What can you do to help make the ride to school more peaceful? In the space below, suggest strategies.
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