Succeeding in the World of Work

Section 1: Teamwork and Collaboration

After You Read Section Review Answers

Review Key Concepts

  1. Employee benefits include greater job satisfaction, improved self-esteem, and better communication. Business benefits include improved quality, increased employee morale, and fewer layers of management.
  2. Students should mention an obstacle detailed on pages 315-316. Teams can overcome obstacles by defining roles clearly, taking prompt action, and communicating effectively.
  3. Make the team's goals a top priority; listen actively and offer suggestions; follow up on what you have been assigned to do; work to resolve conflicts; respect and recognize the efforts of team members; and inspire others to get involved and do their best.
Practice Academic Skills
  1. Twenty four yards of fencing is needed (62 + 82 = 100; √100 = 10; 6 + 8 + 10 = 24).
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