Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 14: Teamwork and Leadership

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Section 14.1 Summary
A team is a group of people who work together to reach a common goal. The benefits of teamwork include improved productivity and greater employee job satisfaction. The two basic types of teams are functional teams and cross-functional teams. Teams can be managed or self-directed. Team planning involves setting goals, assigning roles, and communicating regularly. Obstacles to teamwork include unclear goals. Ways to be an effective team member include making the team’s goals your top priority. Total quality management (TQM) is a management theory based on continually improving product quality and customer satisfaction. .

Section 14.2 Summary
Leaders guide, direct, and influence others. Good leaders have good communication skills and vision, involve others, and are positive. Leadership styles, which are the ways of behaving as a leader, include directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. Leaders often lead meetings, which may be casual or formal. Formal meetings may follow parliamentary procedure, a process that makes meetings run more smoothly. Suggestions for being a good supervisor include giving clear directions and recognizing effort.

Key Terms
functional team
cross-functional team
team planning
total quality management (TQM)
leadership style
parliamentary procedure

Academic Vocabulary

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