Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 13: Interpersonal Relationships at Work

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Section 13.1 Summary
Getting along with your coworkers is the most important workplace skill to have. Personal traits you may need to develop for the workplace include responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity and honesty, and self-awareness. To be an effective coworker, you need to respect others, try to understand them, communicate well, and maintain a sense of humor. To improve your personal qualities, work on one trait at a time, devise a plan for working on the trait, check your progress, and then proceed to work on other traits.

Section 13.2 Summary
Basic etiquette is the correct behavior in the workplace. Etiquette includes being courteous, dressing appropriately, being punctual, avoiding gossip, and respecting your coworkers’ privacy. It also means maintaining a good working relationship with your supervisor. Conflicts will come up in the workplace, and conflict resolution is a way to resolve conflicts. The U.S. workplace is diverse, and workers need to be sensitive to cultural, gender, and generational distinctions.

Key Terms
conflict resolution

Academic Vocabulary

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