Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 10: Developing a Positive Attitude

Personal Academic and Career Portfolio Help

Observing Attitude

Having a positive attitude is an important part of being a professional. Use this section of your Personal Academic and Career Portfolio to document your observations about the influence of positive attitude in a team setting—the classroom. Note whether the teacher's attitude remains constant or varies from one day to the next. If it varies, what is the impact on the class? Also use the experience to consider how someone can "catch" and maintain a positive attitude and to analyze how important it is for someone in a leadership position to show a positive attitude.

Also note your opinions on the most important ways to show a positive attitude—such as words, tone of voice, body language, and actions. Finally, describe how you react to someone who has a positive or negative attitude, and how you would describe your own attitude. If you feel that you often have a negative attitude, what can you do to improve?

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