History of the Modern World, 10th Edition (Palmer)

Chapter 7: The Struggle for Wealth and Empire

Primary Sources, Maps and Images

XXVIII. Elite and Popular Cultures

XXIX. The Global Economy of the Eighteenth Century

  1. Commerce and Industry in the Eighteenth Century
  1. The World Economy: The Dutch, British, and French
  1. Asia, America, and Africa in the Global Economy
  1. The Wealth of Western Europe: Social Consequences

XXX. Western Europe after Utrecht, 1713-1740

  1. France and Britain after 1713
  1. The "Bubbles"
  1. Fleury in France; Walpole in England

XXXI. The Great War of the Mid-Eighteenth Century: The Peace of Paris, 1763

  1. Eighteenth-Century Warfare
  1. The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-1748
  1. The Seven Years' War, 1756-1763: In Europe and America
  1. The Seven Years' War, 1756-1763: In India
  1. The Peace Settlement of 1763
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