Succeeding in the World of Work

Section 2: Changing Jobs or Careers

After You Read Section Review Answers

Review Key Concepts

  1. Warning signs that it is time to look for a new job include extreme stress over your current job; a feeling that you are wasting your time; conflicts with or exclusion by coworkers; dreading going to work; and lack of advancement or growth potential.
  2. Working for an employer for a sustained amount of time often results in increased experience and improved skills and knowledge, which employers look for when they promote workers.
  3. Steps to follow after a job loss include coping with emotions, reviewing your budget, applying for benefits, and looking for a new job.
Practice Academic Skills
  1. Keeping a job requires many of the same skills and qualities as landing a job – working hard, building knowledge and skills, showing perseverance, ambition, and initiative, solving problems in creative ways, showing a postivie attitude, and getting along with others and earning their respect.
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