Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 24: Adapting to Change

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Section 24.1 Summary
You can prepare for the future by managing your own career. Many businesses are downsizing, or eliminating jobs to cut costs. Some employees lose their jobs, and others gain new responsibilities. Businesses help employees meet the demands of the workplace by offering training and sometimes paying for education. Employers look for many different qualities and behaviors when selecting employees to promote, including competence, willingness to learn, initiative, and adaptability. Getting a promotion may change your relationships with coworkers. If a promotion is not right for you, decline it. Keep your options open, however. Let your employer know you are open to future offers.

Section 24.2 Summary
You may choose to change jobs for a number of reasons, including unhappiness in your job, the desire to grow, or termination of your job. Focus your job search. You might look for a job like the one you have but with a different company. You might look for a job that will use your current skills but in a different field. You might look for a job that involves a hobby or personal interest. If you lose your job, first find out what your former employer is offering to you at termination. Then assess your financial situation, and arrange for unemployment benefits. Update and improve your resume.

Key Terms

Academic Vocabulary

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