Business Plan Project Workbook

Chapter 5: Industry Overview

Key Terms

industry  A group of companies providing similar, complementary, or substitute products and services
(See page(s) 49)
economic sector  The broad area of the economy in which a firm operates
(See page(s) 49)
industry sector  A classification of companies within a particular economic sector
(See page(s) 50)
product life cycle  The stages that products and services go through: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline
(See page(s) 50)
barriers to entry  Factors that make it difficult for new competitors to enter an industry or market
(See page(s) 50)
competitive set  A group of companies that meets the same customer needs
(See page(s) 52)
direct competitor  A company that sells a product or service that is the same as, or similar to, that sold by another company
(See page(s) 52, 89)
indirect competitor  A business that offers substitutes that meet the same basic need met by products or services sold by another business
(See page(s) 52)
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