Glencoe Earth Science

Chapter 12: Volcanoes

Calculate Percent

Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. A 980-kg block of igneous rock contains 700 kg of silica. Calculate the percent of silica in the rock to classify it.
A)62% , andesitic
B)75% , granitic
C)71% , granitic
D)47% basaltic
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. A 1300-kg block of igneous rock contains 700 kg of silica. Calculate the percent of silica in the rock to classify it.
A)75% , granitic
B)54% , andesitic
C)62% , andesitic
D)48% , basaltic
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. A 320-kg block of igneous rock contains 280 kg of silica. Calculate the percent of silica in the rock to classify it.
A)88% , granitic
B)68% , granitic
C)55% , andesitic
D)49% , basaltic
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. A 350-kg block of igneous rock contains 158 kg of silica. Calculate the percent of silica in the rock to classify it.
A)69% granitic
B)52% , basaltic
C)56% , andesitic
D)45% , balsaltic
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. A 500-kg block of igneous rock contains 275 kg of silica. Calculate the percent of silica in the rock to classify it.
A)45% , basaltic
B)62% , andesitic
C)78% , granitic
D)55% , andesitic
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. A 410-kg block of igneous rock contains 300 kg of silica. Calculate the percent of silica in the rock to classify it.
A)73% , granitic
B)78% , granitic
C)47% , balsaltic
D)54% , andesitic
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. About how many kilograms of silica would you predict to be in a 55-kg boulder of andesite?
A)more than 36 kg
B)29-36 kg
C)25-29 kg
D)less than 29 kg
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. About how many kilograms of silica would you predict to be in a 200-kg boulder of granite?
A)90-104 kg
B)104-132 kg
C)more than 132 kg
D)less than 90 kg
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. About how many kilograms of silica would you predict to be in a 420-kg boulder of basalt?
A)between 189-218 kg
B)218-277 kg
C)less than 189 kg
D)more than 277 kg
Igneous rocks are classified in three types depending on the amount of silica they contain. Basaltic rocks contain approximately 45 percent to 52 percent silica. Andesitic, or intermediate, rocks contain about 52 percent to 66 percent silica, and granitic rocks have more than 66 percent silica. The lighter the color, the higher the silica content. About how many kilograms of silica would you predict to be in a 60-kg boulder of granite?
A)27-31 kg
B)31-40 kg
C)more than 40 kg
D)less than 27 kg
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