Glencoe Earth Science

Chapter 12: Volcanoes

Section 3 Self-Check Quiz-Eng.

Intrusive igneous rocks are those which __________.
A)cool on Earth's surface
B)cool beneath Earth's surface
C)changed over time from one type of rock to another
D)are composed of sediments found in flood beds
What are batholiths?
A)hot magma flows that cool slowly before they reach Earth's surface
B)magma bodies that cool quickly before they reach Earth's surface
C)hot magma flows that cool quickly before they reach Earth's surface
D)magma bodies that cool slowly before they reach Earth's surface
What is the difference between a dike and a sill?
A)Dikes are formed across horizontal cracks, and sills are formed across vertical ones.
B)They form in the same direction, but are of different sizes.
C)Dikes are formed across vertical cracks, and sills are formed across horizontal ones.
D)They form in the same direction, but they are created differently.
Calderas form __________.
A)during an eruption
B)before an eruption
D)after an eruption
Intrusive igneous rock bodies such as batholiths and sills form when __________.
A)lava solidifies on Earth's surface
B)magma solidifies underground
C)an earthquake occurs
D)a volcano erupts
A volcanic neck is the remains of a(n) ___________.
A)eroded volcano
B)active volcano
C)intrusive igneous rock
D)magma flow
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