Teen Health, Course 1

Chapter 2: Mental and Emotional Wellness

Student Web Activities Lesson 4: Getting a Handle on Stress


Intense emotions can put a strain on the body’s systems. For example, worrying too much about a test at school can cause a headache or upset stomach. To avoid too much stress it is a good idea to understand your emotions and how to handle them. On the Web site below you will learn some of the symptoms of stress, and some practical ways to help your body.

Link to explore: Managing Your Feelings Web site:  http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/emotion/5_steps.html


  • Start at the “Kids’ Health” Web site.
  • Read about how negative emotions can cause stress and what to do about them. Be sure to click on the links to “stress,” “anger,” and “talk” to get more information.
  • When you finish reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, use what you learned to start a diary of emotions. Try to be aware of what you are feeling during the day. Keep a record of those feelings, what caused them, and how you responded for one week. When the week is over, look back on your entries. What did you learn about yourself and your emotions?


What is negative stress, and what are some of its symptoms?
List four healthy ways to handle anger.
Why is it important to talk about your feelings?
What are the five steps to dealing with stress caused by negative emotions?
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