Glencoe Science Level Green

Chapter 22: States of Matter

Calculating Density

A block has a mass of 455 g and a volume of 600 cm3. What is the block's density, and will it sink or float in freshwater?
A)0.800 g/cm3, sink
B)0.800 g/cm3, float
C)0.758 g/cm3, sink
D)0.758 g/cm3, float
A block has a mass of 550 g and a volume of 650 cm3. What is the block's density, and will it sink or float in freshwater?
A)0.846 g/cm3, sink
B)0.846 g/cm3, float
C)0.755 g/cm3, float
D)0.755 g/cm3, sink
A block has a mass of 525 g and a volume of 400 cm3. What is the block's density, and will it sink or float in freshwater?
A)0.945 g/cm3, sink
B)1.313 g/cm3, float
C)1.313 g/cm3, sink
D)0.945 g/cm3, float
A block has a mass of 220 g and a volume of 300 cm3. What is the block's density, and will it sink or float in freshwater?
A)0.733 g/cm3, float
B)0.733 g/cm3, sink
C)1.333 g/cm3, float
D)1.333 g/cm3, float
Calculate the density of a block that has a mass of 240 g and a volume of 190 cm3. Will this block float or sink in salt water? The density of ocean salt water is about 1.025 g/cm3.
A)1.334 g/cm3, sink
B)1.263 g/cm3, float
C)1.334 g/cm3, float
D)1.263 g/cm3, sink
Calculate the density of a block that has a mass of 440 g and a volume of 340 cm3. Will this block float or sink in salt water? The density of ocean salt water is about 1.025 g/cm3.
A)1.294 g/cm3, float
B)1.294 g/cm3, sink
C)0.958 g/cm3, sink
D)0.958 g/cm3, float
Calculate the density of a block that has a mass of 120 g and a volume of 95 cm3. Will this block float or sink in salt water? The density of ocean salt water is about 1.025 g/cm3.
A)0.998 g/cm3, sink
B)1.263 g/cm3, float
C)1.263 g/cm3, sink
D)0.998 g/cm3, float
Calculate the density of a block that has a mass of 320 g and a volume of 410 cm3. Will this block float or sink in salt water? The density of ocean salt water is about 1.025 g/cm3.
A)0.780 g/cm3, float
B)0.780 g/cm3, sink
C)1.222 g/cm3, float
D)1.222 g/cm3, sink
A block with a mass of 530 g and a volume of 520 cm3 floats in its water. Is it saltwater or a freshwater?
A)2.225 g/cm3, freshwater
B)1.012 g/cm3, freshwater
C)2.225 g/cm3, saltwater
D)1.012 g/cm3, saltwater
A block with a mass of 622 g and a volume of 610 cm3 floats in its water. Is it freshwater or a saltwater?
A)1.020 g/cm3, saltwater
B)1.020 g/cm3, freshwater
C)1.002 g/cm3, saltwater
D)1.002 g/cm3, freshwater
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