Glencoe Science Level Green

Unit 6: Matter and Energy

Prepare a snack

Project Type: Model
Ask students to demonstrate their knowledge of physical and chemical changes in the kitchen. Ask pairs of students to prepare a simple food that focuses on either a physical or chemical change. Students may then present their snack along with an explanation of the characteristics of the change they are demonstrating.


  • Have different groups of students make foods from different regions of the United States
  • Have different groups of students make foods from different regions of the world and ethnic groups.
  • Have different groups of students focus on liquid physical or chemical change and other students focus on solid physical or chemical change.

Alternate Procedure:
If time does not allow, have student keep track of the foods they eat for a week. Have them write down, in their journals, the foods they eat and if they are either a physical or chemical change.

Visit these sites, or others, to help students find recipes. Family member are also a great resource.

All Recipes:

Recipe Source


Click here for a rubric to help you score this project. (65.0K)

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