Succeeding in the World of Work

Section 2: Work, Family, and Community

After You Read Section Review Answers

Review Key Concepts

  1. Balancing work and personal life is important to avoid burnout in any one area, and to create a strong sense of self-esteem and identity. Strategies include prioritizing, sticking to a fixed work schedule, and setting aside time for other activities.
  2. One example would be child care assistance. Such programs help employees reduce stress, solve personal problems, and grow in their careers; they help employers by promoting employee loyalty and productivity, and by attracting top job candidates.
  3. A potential voter (who is 18 or over and an American citizen) must first register, or officially sign up, to vote.
Practice Academic Skills
  1. Students' roles and strategies for balance will vary. Students should understand that feelings of pride and success in one role can carry over to other life roles.
  2. Students' lists should include basic items such as a bed, cleaning supplies, and dishware. Most items can be bought used, although students may prefer to buy linens and other more personal items new.
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