Succeeding in the World of Work

Section 1: Setting Up Your Own Household

After You Read Section Review Answers

Review Key Concepts

  1. A life stage is a period in one's physical and emotional journey through life. The three life stages defined in the text are adolescence, early adulthood, and middle adulthood.
  2. Basic utilities include gas, water, electricity, and (if needed) trash service. Related services include telephone service, Internet service, newspaper delivery, and possibly cable television.
  3. Students should name a basic household task such as laundry, vacuuming and mopping, or grocery shopping, and describe when and how often (such as weekly or twice weekly) they would do that task.
Practice Academic Skills
  1. The estimated difference is $70,000 ($346,113 rounds down to $340,000 and $272,895 rounds down to $270,000; $340,000 - $270,000 = $70,000).
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