Succeeding in the World of Work

Section 1: Manage Your Time

After You Read Section Review Answers

Review Key Concepts

  1. Students should point out that the salesperson should give the customer change first, because a salesperson’s primary responsibility is helping customers. The salesperson should return the call to the supplier second, because the magazine article can be read during downtime.
  2. To set up a schedule, schedule difficult tasks for the time of day when you perform your best; color code your schedule; indicate your priorities on the schedule; and check off tasks as you complete them.
  3. Students might mention prioritizing tasks by importance; making a task list for each project; and deciding which project is most important to finish that day, and which could be finished the next day.
Practice Academic Skills
  1. Francine would need to earn $18.75 per hour ($600 ≤ 40x – (0.2 x 40x); $600 ≤ 40x – 8x; $600 ≤ 32x; $18.75 ≤ x).
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