Succeeding in the World of Work

Section 1: Making Decisions in the Workplace

After You Read Section Review Answers

Review Key Concepts

  1. 1. Define what you will be using the computer for. 2. Figure out how much money can be spent. 3. Identify the computers that can be bought with the money. 4. Gather information about the different computer models. 5. Compare the different computers and their features. 6. Decide which is the best computer to buy. 7. Figure out how to make the purchase.
  2. Criteria for choosing a computer might include assessing its features, including the amount of memory and size of the monitor; the quality of the brand; and how the computer is rated according to consumer reviews.
  3. One method of prioritizing your work would be to complete tasks in order of importance from most to least important.
Practice Academic Skills
  1. In their paragraphs, students might point out how their values affect their decision-making skills.
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