Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 16: Thinking Skills on the Job

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Section 16.1 Summary
The seven steps in the decision-making process are to define your needs or wants, analyze your resources, identify your choices, gather information, evaluate your choices, make a decision, and plan how to reach your goal. To determine which decisions are yours to make, follow the chain of command, and know your responsibilities. Collect information and use criteria to compare and evaluate possible choices. Evaluate the possible consequences of alternative decisions. Think about what is most important to act on first, and then create a plan of action. When you are ready to decide, do not procrastinate. Prioritize tasks to be performed in order to create a plan of action.

Section 16.2 Summary
The six basic steps in problem solving are to identify and clarify the problem, generate alternative solutions, evaluate probable consequences, decide on the best solution, implement the solution, and evaluate the results. Gather the facts, and then evaluate the information. Make a list of questions to help clarify the problem. Generate alternative solutions with creative thinking strategies such as using a cluster diagram, inventing a model, brainstorming with others, or using analogies. Choose the best solution under the circumstances, and prioritize the steps you need to take. Evaluate the results and look at both the benefits and drawbacks of a solution.

Key Terms

Academic Vocabulary

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