Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 11: Workplace Health and Safety

Personal Academic and Career Portfolio Help

Adding Your Health and Safety Information

Use the "Health and Safety" section of your portfolio to set goals for yourself. Assess your current level of rest, nutrition, stress, and exercise, then set specific goals in all four areas. Use the information in the chapter and your own research to develop guidelines that fit your needs and lifestyle. For example, you may find that you need more than seven or eight hours of sleep each night, or that specific activities such as yoga or stretching help you relieve stress. Note this in the "Diet and Exercise Guidelines" portion of this project.

To research safety information on the career that interests you, visit the Web site of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, where you can find information about working conditions and on-the-job injuries and illnesses in specific industries. Find out the most common hazards in your chosen career area and write a step-by-step plan to prevent and deal with these hazards. Consult your local emergency service organization or Red Cross to find out most common types of emergencies and natural disasters in your geographic region and how to deal with each.

Update and add to your health and safety information as your career goals evolve. You may also wish to add newspaper and magazine articles on the topic to your portfolio to build your own personal reference section.

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