Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 7: Interviewing

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Section 7.1 Summary
Preparation is essential to interview success. Make sure you know when and where to go for the interview and how to dress. Research the company and current trends in the industry so you can ask intelligent questions. Prepare answers to typical and tough interview questions, as well as questions to ask the interviewer. Practice your interviewing skills with a friend, teacher, or parent, paying attention to your body language and tone of voice. Ask for feedback.

Section 7.2 Summary
Arrive for an interview on time and prepared. Dress conservatively and groom well. Be positive, be enthusiastic, and demonstrate good communication skills. Respond to tough questions calmly and with a positive attitude. Be aware that some interviews involve role-playing or problem solving to evaluate your ability to think on your feet. Respond to illegal questions by turning the question around to focus on your skills. After the interview, evaluate your performance and send a thank-you letter.

Key Terms
body language
problem solving

Academic Vocabulary

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