Succeeding in the World of Work

Section 2: Applying for a Job

After You Read Section Review Answers

Review Key Concepts

  1. Documents often legally required to apply for a job include a Social Security card, a work permit, and photo identification. You may also need to submit a list of references, a completed job application, a résumé, and a cover letter.
  2. Using standard English shows your writing skills, and standard English is the language of the professional workplace.
  3. In a skills résumé, achievements and experience are grouped by skill (such as communication skills, computer skills, etc.). In a chronological résumé, achievements and experience are listed in reverse order (most recent first) and job titles, company names, and date ranges are specified.
Practice Academic Skills
  1. Anna's expenditures would be $53.87 ($23.45 + $18.63 + $7.80 + $3.99 = $53.87).

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