Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 6: Finding and Applying for a Job

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Section 6.1 Summary
Sources of job leads can include networking, employment agencies, school placement centers, classified ads, and the Internet. A good way to start networking is to make a list of contacts who can help you in your job search. Placement centers can help you identify and apply for jobs. You can find classified ads and job listings in print and online publications. Employment agencies match job seekers with employers. You can find job listings and online career centers on the Internet.

Section 6.2 Summary
Before you apply for a job, you should get a Social Security number, and you may need a work permit. You may also need a list of references and a résumé. Use standard English to complete a job application. A chronological résumé presents your experiences in reverse time order. A skills résumé highlights abilities and is used when you have few work experiences. A cover letter introduces you to an employer.

Key Terms
job lead
contact list
school-to-work programs
temp job
temp-to-hire job
Social Security number
work permit
standard English
job application
personal fact sheet
cover letter

Academic Vocabulary

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