Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 2: Getting to Know Yourself

Personal Academic and Career Portfolio Help

Create a Self-Profile

Include the following information in your Self-Profile:
  • Lifestyle goals. Picture yourself as you would like to be in the future and describe how you would like to spend your time, money, and energy.
  • Values. Describe how you want to treat others, how you want to be treated, and what beliefs, actions, and attitudes are important to you.
  • Interests. Revisit the "Inventory of Skills and Interests" that you created in Chapter 1, revising and adding new and different interests as necessary.
  • Aptitudes and Abilities. Write down what you are good at doing and what skills come naturally to you.
  • Personality Traits. Write down adjectives that describe what kind of person you are, such as outgoing, quiet, responsible, humorous, kind, or curious.
  • Learning Styles. Consult Figure 2.2, "Eight Learning Styles," on page 42. Match your likes and favorite ways to learn with the descriptions in columns two and three and pick the two or three learning styles that best characterize you.
Knowing this important information about yourself will help you choose a career path.
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