Succeeding in the World of Work

Unit 1: Self-Assessment


WebQuest Internet Project

Self-Awareness and Evaluating Success

Self-awareness and evaluating success are keys to planning a career. Becoming aware of who you are and identifying your traits—what you like and dislike, your strengths and weaknesses, interests, and how you like to spend your time—are important in planning for your future. You need to be informed to make good choices.

The Task

The first step in planning a career focuses on you. What are your needs, likes, dislikes, goals, plans, character, personality, goals, and so on? What are your personal values? What do you want from a career? Your task is to prepare a report based on the answers to these questions in order to create your profile and your expectations for a career. Your report should include the following:

  • information you learned from taking a self-assessment test;
  • information about your skills;
  • your lifestyle goals;
  • your career goals;
  • the factors that will cause you to work.

The Process

To write a successful report, get information by going to the following Web sites.
[Excellent 80-question self-assessment and good personality type report with a list of occupations]
[Excellent; has info on personality, skills, job hunting and careers]
[skills employers want]
[General info]
[General info]
[career quiz]

  • List five facts about yourself and your skills that you learned from your research.
  • Describe the skills that you most want to use in a career.
  • Name the steps in decision making and apply steps 1–3 to yourself.
  • List the factors that would indicate your success in a job or career.
  • Identify five sources that you found most helpful in learning about yourself.


These are some ideas that can help make your report a success.

  1. With a classmate, list five personality traits of the other and then compare the lists with the results of your self-assessment test.
  2. What skills must you have in the career of your choice?
  3. Identify your top values and how they can influence your career choice.
  4. Identify your lifestyle goals.


Here are some suggestions for finishing your project.

  • Use the information from your research to make a collage illustrating what you have learned from this WebQuest.
  • Present an oral summary of jobs or volunteer work that would help you to learn workplace skills.
  • Make a pamphlet describing the steps in planning a career.
  • If there are characteristics of a career that you would consider more important than wages or salary, list them and explain their importance.


  • How much education or training are you willing to obtain to be qualified for an interesting job or career?
  • Do you prefer to work with data, people, or things?
  • What are six general values that are important to you?
  • Would you like to telecommute for one or more days a week? Why or why not?
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