Introduction to Web Design Using Dreamweaver

Chapter 4: HTML Basics

e-Review Self Checks

What is the difference between a tag set and an empty tag?
A)A tag set uses HTML tags, while an empty tag uses regular text characters.
B)A tag set has its starting and ending tags together with no text in between, while an empty tag separates the starting and ending tags with text.
C)A tag set has both a starting and ending tag, while an empty tag has only a starting tag.
D)A tag set has two starting and two ending tags that always appear together, while an empty tag has only one starting and ending tag.
Which of the following best describes HTML tags?
A)They are case sensitive.
B)They cannot be nested.
C)They tell a Web browser how to display a page's content.
D)Only empty tags can be nested.
What are the two main parts of an HTML document?
A)header and body
B)title and body
C)body and tags
D)tags and text
What tag is used to create all links?
A)the image tag <IMG></IMG>
B)the list tag <LI></LI>
C)the heading tag <H1></H1>
D)the anchor tag <A></A>
To change the font color in Dreamweaver, key a hexadecimal color into the ____ box on the ____.
A)Text color, Properties inspector
B)Text color, Status bar
C)Text color, Standard toolbar
D)Color, Properties inspector
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