Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 14: The Roman Republic

Student Web Activities

&147;The Punic Wars&148;

Can you imagine the sight of thousands of soldiers and dozens of elephants crossing the snow-covered Alps&063; That was the scene as General Hannibal Barca&039;s Carthaginian army marched through Switzerland on its way to attack Rome. The attack was a result of a lengthy conflict between Carthage and Rome. To learn more about the Punic Wars, visit the Social Studies for Kids Web site.

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Start at the Social Studies for Kids Web site.

  • Click on &147;Ancient Civilizations.&148;
  • Click on &147;Ancient Rome.&148;
  • Finally, click on &147;Hannibal&058; Ancient Rome&039;s Greatest Enemy.&148;
  • Read through the article, and take notes on the information. Then answer the following questions.

What reason does the author provide to explain why conflict developed between Carthage and Rome?
Why was Hannibal forced to fight the Romans on land rather than by sea?
What was Hannibal's plan to defeat the Romans? What was the Roman's plan to defeat Hannibal?
According to the article, what was the primary reason for Hannibal's defeat?
On a separate piece of paper, create a graphic organizer that shows the major events of the Second Punic War. On your graphic organizer, identify important reasons why an event occurred or why a decision was made and what the effects of these were. Be sure to use arrows to show the chain of events over time.
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