Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 14: The Roman Republic

The Roman Republic

The Romans overthrew their Etruscan king and set up a republic, a form of government in which _____.
A)only members of the upper class could hold public office
B)the people are divided into patricians and plebians
C)the people choose their rulers
D)rulers inherit the right to rule from their ancestors
The Romans first set out to conquer several Etruscan cities in order to _____.
A)protect their republic from Etruscan control
B)make alliances with the Etruscans
C)control the entire Mediterranean world
D)protect their borders
As a result of the third Punic War, _____.
A)the Greek city-state of Corinth was destroyed by the Romans
B)Carthage was destroyed and Rome became the leading power in the Mediterranean world
C)Rome was destroyed and Carthage became the leading power in the Mediterranean world
D)Rome took control of Macedonia and Syria
Which statement about the effects of the Roman conquests is NOT TRUE?
A)Large estates called latifundias took the place of small farms.
B)Romans began to use slaves to work the land when Rome expanded.
C)Most Roman farmers fixed up their farms and restored their land.
D)As more and more farmers moved into the city, living conditions worsened and disease increased.
The Gracchus brothers wanted to solve Rome's problems by _____.
A)giving away land and wheat to the poor
B)improving living conditions in the city
C)doing away with the Senate
D)doing away with tribunes
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