Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 14: The Roman Republic

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“The Punic Wars”

Students have read that the Second Punic War was an important victory for Roman forces because Carthage was never again a threat to Rome. In this exercise, students will read an article that describes the military decisions and strategies of Carthaginian general, Hannibal Barca.

Lesson Description
Students will read an article from a Web site to learn about the Punic Wars, with an emphasis on the Second Punic War. They will read about why Carthage fought Rome, what Hannibal's military tactics were, and how Rome was able to defeat Hannibal and Carthage. Students will then answer questions and create a graphic organizer that illustrates cause-and-effect relationships found in the article.

Instruction Objectives

  1. Students will be able to identify why there was conflict between Rome and Carthage, what happened as a result of this conflict, and how this conflict was resolved.
  2. Students will be able to use the knowledge they gained from the article to create a graphic organizer that describes cause-and-effect relationships.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Carthage was a great sea power, and in order to protect its trading interests, it demanded tribute from cities along the Mediterranean Sea. Rome, however, did not want to pay tribute to Carthage.
  2. Rome had pulled ahead of Carthage as a result of technology improvements on ships.
  3. Hannibal tried to get Rome's enemies to join him in battle against Rome; Rome waged attacks on Spain and made sure no reinforcements reached Hannibal by sea.
  4. Rome had more resources, men, allies, and military successes than Carthage.
  5. Students' graphic organizers should include information about the reason why Carthage and Rome fought the Punic Wars, why Hannibal was considered a great military general, and how Rome was able to defeat Carthage.

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