Business Plan Project Workbook

Chapter 6: Market Analysis

Key Terms

market penetration strategy  A group of companies providing similar, complementary, or substitute products and services
(See page(s) 49)
customer profile  A complete picture of a venture’s prospective customers
(See page(s) 65)
market segmentation  The process of grouping a market into smaller subgroups defined by specific characteristics
(See page(s) 66)
age cohorts  Groups of consumers born during a specific time period
(See page(s) 67)
household  A group of people living together in one housing unit, such as a house or apartment
(See page(s) 69)
family life cycle  The stages a family goes through that reflect changing characteristics, such as age and whether children are living at home
(See page(s) 69)
market research  The collection and analysis of information aimed at understanding the behavior of consumers in a certain market
(See page(s) 72)
secondary data  Information already collected by someone else
(See page(s) 72)
primary data  Information obtained for the first time and to be used for a specific study
(See page(s) 73)
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