Entering the World of Work

Section 1: Employability Skills

Math Practice Step-by-Step

Follow these steps to solve the Section 12.1 Math Practice problem.

Time Management at Work
Figure It Out   Your manager wants you to increase the time you spend training co-workers from 30% to 50% each month. If you currently work 160 hours each month, how many additional hours will you need to dedicate to training?

Step 1  Convert the percentages to decimals.

Step 2  Multiply 160 by .50. This is the number of hours you will dedicate to training if you spend 50% of your time training.

Step 3  Multiply 160 by .30. This is the number of hours you currently spend training.

Step 4  Subtract Step 3 from Step 2. The difference is the answer to the question.

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