The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 5: Territorial and Christian Empires

Essay Quiz

Review the "twilight of the Republic" that led to the civil wars and the murder of Julius Caesar. How did Augustus avoid the fate of Julius Caesar? What reforms did Augustus make to help the new empire endure?
What were the challenges of governing the empire facing Augustus's successors? How did different rulers meet those challenges? What were some of the unforeseen consequences of their policies and reforms?
Describe Roman society during the Pax Romana. How did Roman law attempt to solve some of the social problems of the period? What social problems were ignored?
How did Diocletian and Constantine transform the Roman Empire? What were some of the enduring effects of their reforms? Which ones had little effect?
Compare the mystery cults of the Hellenistic kingdoms to the mystery cults of the Roman Empire. What made these cults so appealing to people in each case?
What was the relationship between Judaism and Jesus' message? And between Judaism and the Jesus movement? How and when did Christianity emerge as a distinct religion?
Review the relationship between the early Christians and the Roman authorities. How did Christianity move from persecuted sect to the religion of the Roman Empire?
How did Christianity transform Roman life?
How and why did saints come to form an important part of the Christian religion?
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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