The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 5: Territorial and Christian Empires

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. The Pax Romana, 27 B.C.E. –192 C.E.

  1. What was the Second Triumvirate? How did Octavian emerge as the sole ruler of the empire?

  2. What was the principate and how did it function? What were the responsibilities of the princeps?

  3. What changes did Augustus make in the governance of the provinces?

  4. What aspects of the rule of Augustus and Roman government did Virgil and Livy emphasize?

  5. What were the defects of Augustus' successors? What kind of leaders followed them?

  6. What were the consequences of Rome's need to guard borders?

  7. How did colonists contribute to the effectiveness of Roman rule?

  8. In what other ways did the Romans maintain a unified empire?

  1. Life During the Peace of Rome

  1. What was the relationship between the wealth of the provinces and Roman morality? How did Roman laws seek to control morality?

  2. What were Roman attitudes about sex? How did such attitudes affect the birth rate?

  3. Why did civic life move from the Forum to the arena?

  4. How did the games exemplify and perpetuate Roman virtue?

  1. Crisis and Transformation, ca. 192 – 400

  1. What were the threats to the empire that appeared following the rule of Septimius?

  2. What were the economic problems of this period? Consider both causes and effects.

  3. How did Diocletian address the administrative, military, and economic problems plaguing the empire?

  4. What changes in the Roman Empire accompanied the founding of Constantinople?

  1. The Longing for Religious Fulfillment

  1. What were the basic principles of Stoicism? Neoplatonism?

  2. How did people participate in the various mystery cults?

  3. How did Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, and Zealots deal with the difficulties of maintaining a separate Jewish identity in the Roman world?

  4. What ideas did Jesus promote? Which of his ideas were new, and which relied upon older sources? What were those sources?

  5. What role did the apostles play in the Jesus movement? How did different apostles approach their role in distinct ways?

  6. Why was Paul of Tarsus so crucial to the Jesus movement?

  7. What happened after the destruction of the Second Temple?

  8. How did Christianity spread?

  1. From Christian Persecution to the City of God, ca. 64 – 410

  1. How did Constantine support Christianity? What was the impact of his patronage?

  2. What happened to the church once the empire embraced Christianity?

  3. What were some of the disagreements among Christians about Christianity itself? Were they resolved? If so, how?

  4. What was Augustine's position on the relationship between church and state?

  5. How did Christianity transform the daily life of Romans?

  1. The Holy Life

  1. What were some of the alternative paths to spiritual perfection that people undertook starting in the fourth century?

  2. What were relics? What part did they play in saints' cults?

  3. Why were saints' cults important? What was the extent of their influence?

Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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