The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 18: Coping with Change

Multiple Choice Quiz

The four major powers that defeated Napoleon, set the peace terms with France, and dominated the Congress of Vienna were
A)Great Britain, Germany, Russia, and Spain.
B)Russia, Prussia, Great Britain, and Austria.
C)Prussia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Russia.
D)Austria, Russia, Spain, and Great Britain.
The Concert of Europe, the military alliance set up to guarantee the Vienna settlement, was also known as
A)the Vienna Alliance.
B)the Holy Alliance.
C)the Quadruple Alliance.
D)the Frankfurt Alliance.
All of the following were influential conservative thinkers EXCEPT
A)Edmund Burke.
B)Joseph de Maistre.
C)Louis de Bonald.
D)John Stuart Mill.
Conservatism most often appealed to members of which social groups?
A)workers and artisans
B)monarchs, aristocrats, and clergy
C)the upper and lower middle class
D)All these answers are correct.
Through the theory of "iron law of wages," David Ricardo argued that
A)population would increase faster than food supplies, resulting in poverty.
B)the government should limit its role in the marketplace.
C)wages would always decline to subsistence or below, since high wages led to population increases that saturated the labor market.
D)the government should set a minimum wage.
Nineteenth-century liberals drew on the ideas and works of Enlightenment thinkers such as
A)John Locke.
B)Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
C)Frederick Engels.
D)Francis Bacon.
What did classical liberals believe the role of government should be in economics?
A)to centrally direct all economic activities
B)to set protective tariffs
C)to have as limited a presence as possible
D)to ensure social welfare measures for workers
Johann Gottfried von Herder found a source of common national identity for German-speaking areas in
A)the Holy Alliance.
B)the Prussian state.
C)the secret society Young Germany.
D)German folk culture and oral traditions.
Goethe's works, especially his masterpiece Faust, epitomize the ideals of
An early utopian socialist, Charles Fourier envisioned a society modeled on phalansteries in which
A)members would pool their resources.
B)women would be responsible for domestic duties.
C)the institution of marriage would be upheld.
D)men and women would live in separate spheres.
According to Karl Marx, human beings are motivated primarily by
A)religious beliefs.
B)economic interests.
D)primitive impulses.
The Habsburg emperor tried to crack down on liberal and national movements in the Austrian Empire in 1819 by
A)issuing the Carlsbad decrees.
B)creating the Zollverein.
C)organizing the Junkers.
D)treating France harshly as an example.
A symbol of the threat conservative governments felt from liberal and radical reformers, the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 occurred when troops fired on a workers' rally in
In 1830, which European country, with the help of British and French intervention, successfully secured its independence?
D)the Netherlands
The July Revolution in France in 1830 replaced a conservative monarchy with
A)a republic.
B)a democracy.
C)an empire.
D)a constitutional monarchy.
The British Reform Bill of 1832
A)granted universal manhood suffrage.
B)lowered property qualifications for voting.
C)conceded universal suffrage.
D)protected the power of the "rotten boroughs."
In spite of the liberal reforms passed in Britain, workers pressed for universal male suffrage and the removal of property qualifications for office through the
A)Communist Manifesto.
B)Chartist movement.
C)Luddite movement.
D)Worker's Union.
During the revolutionary events of 1848, the Habsburg Empire appeared to be splintering due to
A)divisions between liberals and conservatives.
B)the German core's hopes for a unified state.
C)non-German nationalities who were demanding greater autonomy and, in some cases, independence.
D)the end of the tariff-free trade zone.
Pressured by the revolutionary demands being made in their states, German liberals met to discuss the construction of a liberal German nation at
A)the Frankfurt Assembly.
B)the Congress of Vienna.
C)the House of Lords.
D)the Congress of Berlin.
The June Days of 1848 in France revealed divisions between
A)the rural and urban populaces.
B)the upper and lower classes.
C)liberals and socialists.
D)Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte and Louis-Philippe.
Nationalism, which is the feeling that people of the same cultural and linguistic roots should be unified into a single national body, became increasingly strong over the course of the nineteenth century. Which of the following statements about nationalism is true?
A)After 1848, nationalism was increasingly associated with liberalism.
B)Nationalists had little use for history.
C)Nationalism created problems for multi-national empires.
D)Nationalism arose latest in France.
Romanticism was another ideology that rose into prominence in Europe after 1800. Which of the following is true about the romantic movement?
A)It was firmly rooted in Enlightenment ideology.
B)It looked forward to the future.
C)It rejected religion and religious sentiment.
D)It stressed emotionality over rationality.
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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