The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 18: Coping with Change

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. The Congress of Vienna: A Gathering of Victors

  1. What were the guiding principles that the conferees used in negotiations at the Congress?

  2. Who were the four main powers negotiating at the Congress? How did they benefit from the territorial arrangements made at the Congress?

  3. How did the four powers enforce their commitment to preserving the traditional ruling houses in Europe?

  1. Ideologies: How the World Should Be

  1. How did conservatives imagine the world should be organized? Specifically, what place did order, hierarchy, and change inhabit in this ideology?

  2. What groups were attracted to the ideas of conservatism and why?

  3. How was conservatism evident in domestic politics?

  4. What were the ideological sources of nineteenth century liberalism?

  5. What changes did liberals want to bring about in government?

  6. According to Adam Smith, what natural laws did economics follow?

  7. How did the French Revolution produce feelings of nationalism?

  8. How did nationalism arise among people not yet sharing a common state? What was this type of nationalism based upon?

  9. How did nationalism function as a political force?

  10. In what ways was Romanticism a reaction against the Enlightenment and reason?

  11. How did Romanticism influence literature, art, and music?

  12. What ideas did the early socialists have in common?

  13. How did Marx explain the phenomenon of revolution?

  14. What characteristics did Marx believe a future socialist society would exhibit?

  1. Restoration and Repression

  1. To what extent were early revolutionary changes in France turned back after Napoleon's defeat?

  2. How did Austrian leaders try to fend off liberal and national ideas?

  3. How did the British government preserve the conservative status quo?

  1. A Wave of Revolution and Reform

  1. How did romanticism, liberalism, and nationalism blend in the cause of the Greek civil war in Europe?

  2. How did Louis Philippe's accession to power and his reforms reflect the political mood of French society?

  3. How did the passing of the British Reform Bill of 1832 signal the end of aristocratic dominance?

  4. How did liberal reforms in Britain both help the working class and bring additional distress?

  5. What caused the social discontent that helped bring down Louis-Philippe's constitutional monarchy and establish the Second Republic?

  6. How did news of the uprising in Paris affect Austria?

  7. How did the revolutions appear to change the ruling structures of some German and Italian states?

  8. Why did the Second Republic in France fall?

  9. Why were the alliances between liberals, radicals, socialists, workers, and nationalists at cross-purposes in the long-term?

  10. Why were the conservative forces of order in Europe able to reassert themselves in 1848?

Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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