American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 16: Domestic Policy

Multiple Choice Quiz

Which of the following is true about the not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) syndrome?
A)It describes citizens' opposition to a government action that threatens them directly.
B)It describes citizens' opposition to the government's use of eminent domain to seize part of their property.
C)It describes citizens' opposition to government intervention in their communities.
D)All these answers are correct.
Government "safety nets" are designed to ensure that
A)every citizen works in a safe environment.
B)every citizen has his or her basic physiological needs met.
C)every government employee has a sufficient pension.
D)every government employee works in a safe environment.
Which of the following is true about authorization bills?
A)They authorize the spending of the national revenue.
B)They establish policies and identify who will implement them.
C)They only need approval from the president.
D)They only need approval from Congress.
In the proposed national budget for 2011, domestic expenditures make up ________ percent of total government expenditures.
Which of the following is NOT an example of direct provision?
A)veteran hospitals rehabilitating injured war veterans
B)the post office delivering the mail
C)the provision of Social Security
D)the employment of military personnel
Which of the following is an example of in-kind assistance?
A)Pell grants
B)food stamps
C)tax subsidies
D)Social Security checks
Which of the following is an example of a contributory program?
A)Social Security
B)Pell grants
C)Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
D)entitlement programs such Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
A program in which the government guarantees benefits for all who meet the eligibility requirements is known as a(n)
A)entitlement program.
B)noncontributory program.
C)contributory program.
D)direct subsidy.
Which of the following was NOT one of the crises that spurred the creation of the environmental movement in the late 1960s?
A)the Cuyahoga River in Ohio catching on fire—twice
B)the revelations of pesticides in our food in Silent Spring
C)the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island
D)the discovery of arsenic in the Kansas River
The Environmental Protection Act of 1970 established the Environment Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA mandates that
A)new construction be fully funded to include reserves of funds to settle environmental lawsuits.
B)all construction receiving federal funds must undertake an environmental impact study that includes consideration of endangered species.
C)all construction projects incorporate provisions to temporarily relocate displaced species due to habitat disruption.
D)None of these answers is correct.
The EPA has the power to regulate which of the following?
C)air and water
D)air, water, and waste
The higher incidence of environmental threats and subsequent health problems in lower-income communities is known as
A)environmental poverty.
B)environmental racism.
C)environmental classism.
D)environmental injustice.
Which of the following best describes the greenhouse effect?
A)the rising temperatures worldwide, related to the burning of fossil fuels
B)the effect of the melting polar caps and the rise in sea levels
C)the environmental condition of inverted ozone temperatures caused by decreasing average temperature of the sun
D)All these answers are correct.
In 2008, the United States imported ________ percent of the oil it consumed.
In Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first hundred days, he proposed a sequence of revolutionary bills that
A)enabled the federal government to replace the National Red Cross as the primary national relief agency.
B)placed the national government at the center of issues such as unemployment and economic regulation.
C)included the provision of disability insurance for those injured on the job.
D)guaranteed an income for the nation's elderly citizens.
The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Program paid out ________ times as much money to retirees in 2010 as it did in 1937.
Social Security Income (SSI) is a means-tested program, which means
A)there are no eligibility requirements.
B)the eligibility requirements are very low.
C)the eligibility requirements are very high.
D)the eligibility requirements vary state to state.
A wage high enough to keep workers and their families out of poverty and enjoy a basic living standard is called a
A)minimum wage.
B)living wage.
C)basic wage.
D)working wage.
The majority of persons benefiting from Medicaid are women and children,
A)and this group also accounts for the largest percent of the costs.
B)but the largest percent of the benefits went to uninsured young adults.
C)but the largest percentage of Medicaid spending goes to the elderly for nursing home and long-term care.
D)and the benefits are evenly distributed, based on a redistributive formula developed and monitored by the federal government.
Medicaid provides for state governments to pay health care providers, and then
A)the national government reimburses the state government for 100% of their costs.
B)the national government reimburses all states at the same percent of their costs.
C)the amount of reimbursement by the national government to the states varies with state wealth.
D)None of these answers is correct.
Why is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act controversial?
A)Some Americans feel it is unconstitutional to force Americans to purchase health insurance.
B)Some Americans believe uninsured people are driving up the cost of health care for those who have insurance.
C)Some Americans believe they will experience a further loss of freedom because the government will raise taxes on unhealthy foods.
D)All these answers are correct.
The Department of Homeland Security was established
A)as a result of the increasing cost of energy, and energy disruptions' threat to our security.
B)as a result of the expansion of the federal government driven by the fact that the Defense Department and the FBI were overwhelmed and short-staffed.
C)in response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
D)as a result of the increasing pressure put on the administration by foreign governments to establish a department similar to their own to coordinate global security.
Which of the following is NOT a challenge the Department of Homeland Security faces?
A)the question of how much intrusion into citizens' lives is acceptable
B)the difficulties of interdepartmental government cooperation
C)the question of how much discretion state and local officials should have to use federal funding
D)the problem of getting congressional funding for security programs
Which of the following is accurate about the Department of Homeland Security's concerns with immigration?
A)The department is very concerned that a lax immigration policy could lead to another incident of domestic terrorism.
B)The department believes that most potential terrorists within the United States do not come from immigrant populations.
C)The department believes that immigration should be a concern, but not its primary concern.
D)All these answers are correct.
Approximately how many immigrants enter the United States illegally each year?
D)1.2 million
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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