American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 16: Domestic Policy

Chapter Outline

  1. Citizen Engagement and Domestic Policy
  2. Tools of Domestic Policy
    1. Laws and Regulations
    2. Direct Provision of Public Goods
    3. Cash Transfers
    4. Loans, Loan Guarantees, and Insurance
    5. Contracting-Out
  3. Environmental Policy
    1. Environmental Degradation
    2. Environmental Protection
      1. Clean Air
      2. Clean Water
      3. Clean Land
  4. Energy Policy
    1. Energy and Global Warming
    2. National Energy Policy
      1. The OPEC Embargo and Carter's Response
      2. An Energy Policy Focused on Fossil Fuels
      3. Future Directions
  5. Income Security Programs
    1. Social Security
      1. Old-Age and Survivors Insurance
      2. Amendments to the Social Security Act
    2. Unemployment Compensation
    3. Minimum Wage
    4. Earned Income Tax Credit
    5. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
    6. Government Definitions of Poverty
  6. Health Care Policy
    1. Medicaid
    2. Medicare
    3. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  7. Homeland Security
    1. Four Challenges for Policy Makers
    2. The Importance of Intergovernmental Coordination
  8. Immigration Policy
    1. Authorized and Unauthorized Immigration
    2. Proposed Immigration Policy Reforms
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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