American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 15: Economic Policy

Multiple Choice Quiz

Which of the following is NOT part of the reason the United States is the global economy's dominant economic force?
A)excessive national debt
B)overreliance on imported oil
C)its failure to capitalize on "green" technologies
D)problems within its financial institutions
The "American dream" includes which of the following components?
A)upward mobility
B)a financially secure life
C)prosperity attained through individual hard work
D)All these answers are correct.
The primary cause of immigration is which of the following?
B)political violence
C)natural disaster
D)search for greater economic opportunity
Which of the following terms best describes the U.S. economy?
A)a pure capitalist economy
B)a regulated capitalist economy
C)a hybrid capitalist economy
D)a controlled capitalist economy
In his classic Wealth of Nations (1776), economist Adam Smith did which of the following?
A)argued for unregulated competition in the marketplace
B)argued for regulated competition in the marketplace
C)argued for a marketplace managed by the state
D)argued against a market-based economy
During the nineteenth century, the laissez-faire consensus in the United States
A)was strengthened.
B)did not change.
C)was weakened.
D)was revised.
Efforts to regulate economic competition and development in the United States first came from
A)state legislatures.
C)the federal judiciary.
D)the president.
Keynesian economics recommends which of the following?
A)increasing spending and reducing taxes to stimulate the economy under certain conditions
B)raising taxes and decreasing spending to lower inflation
C)raising taxes and increasing spending, because increased taxes would pay for increased spending
D)government implementation of laissez-faire policies
Fiscal policy includes which of the following?
A)the combination of increasing money supply and raising interest rates to curb inflation
B)decreasing interest rates to curb excessive supply
C)a combination of tax and spending policy
D)raising interest rates and the cost of money to stimulate growth
Supply-side economics argues for which of the following solutions to a recession?
A)decrease taxes and government regulation
B)increase taxes and government regulation
C)decrease taxes and increase government regulation
D)increase taxes and decrease government regulation
Most economists argue that growth of which indicator leads to national prosperity and improving living standards?
A)gross national product
B)gross domestic product
C)consumer price index
D)import-export balance
The Human Development Index measures which of the following?
A)the relative physical health of peoples around the world
B)the relative standard of living of peoples around the world
C)the relative educational levels of peoples around the world
D)the relative health of economies around the world
The government uses the quintile system to examine whether people of all income levels are
A)benefiting from the economy.
B)contributing to the economy.
C)increasing or decreasing their consumer spending.
D)paying at an equitable tax rate.
The poverty threshold in 2008 for a family of four with two children under 18 was
A)just under $14,000.
B)just under $22,000.
C)just under $28,000.
D)just under $34,000.
Government expenditures accounted for what percentage of the nation's gross domestic product in 2009?
Which of the following is true about tax policy?
A)It does not have a major impact on consumer spending.
B)It has a powerful impact on the economy because it affects the level of consumer spending.
C)It has only a minimal effect on the economy because it is the same for all taxpayers.
D)It has a powerful impact on the economy because it directly affects interest rates.
The national income tax fits into which of the following categories?
A)a regressive tax
B)a flat tax
C)a progressive tax
D)a proportional tax
Protectionist trade policy is aimed at which of the following?
A)protecting the American consumer from substandard foreign goods
B)protecting the American consumer from expensive foreign goods
C)protecting domestic producers and businesses from foreign competition through tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers
D)forcing foreign nations to pay their workers a living wage
The federal government seeks to influence the value of money by controlling
A)tax policies.
B)policies on trade protectionism and the balance of payments.
C)consumer debt.
D)its availability.
Deficit spending means the government is
A)spending less than it is taking in.
B)spending more than it is taking in.
C)balancing expenses and income, and decreasing the deficit.
D)None of these answers is correct.
Mandatory government spending for programs such as Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid is
A)remaining fairly constant.
B)getting larger.
C)decreasing because of our current, low birth rate.
D)decreasing because of the improved health of seniors.
The Federal Reserve Bank's responsibilities include each of the following EXCEPT
A)setting monetary policy.
B)regulating banking institutions.
C)setting tax rates.
D)maintaining the stability of financial markets.
The first government institution created for the purpose of business regulation was the
A)Federal Trade Commission.
B)Interstate Commerce Commission.
C)Securities and Exchange Commission.
D)National Labor Relations Board.
By the early twenty-first century, legislators began to worry about the impact of free trade on
A)the global environment.
B)American standards of living.
C)American trade deficits.
D)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following is an example of a nontariff trade barrier?
A)a subsidy
B)a stimulus package
C)social regulation
D)business regulation
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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