American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 15: Economic Policy

Chapter Outline

  1. Economic Health and the American Dream
  2. The American Economy
  3. Economic Theories That Shape Economic Policy
    1. Laissez-Faire Economics: An Unrealized Policy
    2. Keynesian Economics
    3. Supply-Side Economics
    4. Monetarism
    5. Should One Economic Theory Predominate?
  4. Measuring Economic Health
    1. Traditional Measures of Economic Health
    2. Other Measures of Economic Health
  5. Fiscal Policy and Economic Health
    1. Tax Policy
    2. Spending Policy
    3. Creating Fiscal Policy Through the National Budget Process
      1. The President's Executive Budget
      2. Congressional Action
    4. Deficit Spending, Debt, and Economic Health
  6. Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve System
  7. Regulatory Policy
    1. Business Regulation
    2. Social Regulation
      1. Early Social Regulation
      2. Consumer and Environmental Protection
      3. The Costs of Regulation
  8. Trade Policy in the Global Economy
    1. Trade Policy: Protectionist or Free Trade?
    2. International Trade Agreements
  9. The U.S. Economy, the Global Economy, and the American Dream Today
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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