American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 13: The Bureaucracy

Chapter Outline

  1. Bureaucrats and Bureaucracy
    1. Who Are the Bureaucrats?
    2. Bureaucracy: An Organizational Structure
  2. Federal Bureaucrats
    1. Political Appointees
    2. Civil Servants
      1. Open Competition and Competence
      2. Political Neutrality
      3. Civil Service Reform Act (1978)
      4. Unionized Civil Servants
      5. The Senior Executive Service
  3. State, Local, and Shadow Bureaucrats
  4. The Evolution and Organization of the Federal Bureaucracy
    1. Departments
    2. Independent Administrative Agencies
    3. Independent Regulatory Commissions
    4. Government Corporations
    5. Executive Office of the President
    6. Hybrids
  5. Federal Bureaucrats' Roles in Public Policy
    1. Agenda Setting
    2. Policy Formulation
    3. Policy Approval
    4. Resource Allocation
    5. Policy Implementation
    6. Policy Evaluation
  6. Federal Bureaucratic Accountability
    1. Accountability to the People
    2. Accountability to the Courts
    3. Accountability to Congress
    4. Accountability to the President
    5. Internal Accountability
      1. Codes of Behavior and the Ethics in Government Act
      2. Whistle-Blower Protections and Inspectors General
  7. Can Bureaucratic Performance Be Improved?
    1. The Best-Performing Bureaucracies
    2. Does Contracting-Out Improve Performance?
    3. Citizens' Role in Bureaucratic Performance
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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