Economics (McConnell) AP Edition, 19th Edition

Web Chapter 39: The Economics of Developing Countries

Web-based Questions

The World Bank Group—Millennium development goals Go to the World Bank Web site,, and identify the five major agencies that make up the World Bank Group. What are the specifics of the Bank Group's millennium development goals? What are the estimated costs of achieving these goals?
Aid-dependency ratios—Which nations are the most dependent? Go to Google at, and search for "Aid-Dependency Ratios World Bank." The top search result (or one of the top few) should be a link to a table titled "Aid-dependency" from the latest issue of the World Bank's annual publication World Development Indicators. Look over the data in this table and then create a top 10 list of nations that have the highest ratios of aid received as a percentage of GNI (gross national income). What continent dominates your list?
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