Economics (McConnell) AP Edition, 19th Edition

Chapter 30: Fiscal Policy, Deficits, and Debt

Web-based Questions

Leading economic indicators—How goes the economy? The Conference Board, at, tracks the leading economic indicators. Check the summary of the index of leading indicators and its individual components for the latest month. Is the index up or down? Which specific components are up, and which are down? What has been the trend of the composite index over the past 3 months?
Table 30.1—What are the latest numbers? Go to the Congressional Budget Office Web site,, and select "The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update." On that page, click on the "pdf" hyperlink to open up an Adobe Acrobat file for the full summary. Find the historical data for the actual budget deficit or surplus (total). Update column 2 of Table 30.1 for the projections for the next two years. Next, find the historical data for the standardized (full-employment) budget deficit or surplus as a percentage of potential GDP. Is fiscal policy more expansionary or less expansionary than it was in 2005?
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