Journey Across Time National Edition

Chapter 19: Industry and Nationalism

Student Web Activity

"Industry and Nationalism"

In this chapter, you have learned about the Three Estates in pre-revolutionary France. As you know, the Third Estate was angered by the privileges of the First and Second Estates. In this activity, you will learn more about the French Revolution and how life after the revolution proved difficult. Visit Liberty, Equality, Fraternity to hear the songs of the French during this period.

Destination Title:  Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window.
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Begin at Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Make sure your computer's audio is on.
  • Click on the word "Explore." Select "songs."
  • Read the information about the difference between hymns and songs and their role in the French Revolution on page 1.
  • On the left hand side of the page, click on the music note below "The King is Dead!"
  • Another browser window opens with both the French words and English translation of the song "Hymn 21 January." Read through the English translation, imagining the reaction of the French people once they learned their tyrant king was dead.
  • Click "Listen to the Song."
  • Close the browser window and return to the information about the hymns and songs. At the bottom of the page, click the right arrow to go to page two.
  • Read how Robespierre's rule impacted France. Select music notes of interest and listen to the songs.

After you have read these pages, answer the following questions.

What was the difference between a song and a hymn in France during the Revolution?
What was the name given to the first great ceremony of the revolution held on July 14, 1790?
What operatic aria was adopted by Royalists as social and political tensions intensified in France? What reaction must the aria have sparked among revolutionaries?
Why was the music culture so important in France? What did it have that speeches, pamphlets, newspapers, festivals, and cartoons lacked?
Imagine that you were a journalist during the time of the French Revolution. Write an article that would have made the front page of French newspapers after King Louis XVI was removed from his thrown. Include the opinions of both Royalists and Revolutionaries.
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