Journey Across Time National Edition

Chapter 19: Industry and Nationalism

Web Activity Lesson Plans

In this chapter, students have learned about the Three Estates in pre-revolutionary France. In this activity, students will learn more about the French Revolution and how life after the revolution proved difficult. Visit Liberty, Equality, Fraternity to hear the songs of the French during this period.

Destination Title: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Lesson Description:
Students will listen to the songs and hymns of the French Revolution. They will listen to how the tone of the people changed with the change of leadership and how they used their music to follow the historical events happening in France. After listening to the songs and hymns, students will answer four questions. They will apply this knowledge while writing a newspaper article for a French newspaper.

Instructional Objectives

  • Students will gain an understanding of the Third Estate and the oppression it experienced.
  • Students will analyze the power of music as a way to influence and report on the times.

Student Web Activity Answers

  • Hymns were more formal musical expressions. Songs were casual musical compositions that were sung to well-known tunes.
  • The Festival of the Federation was the name given to the first great ceremony of the revolution held on July 14, 1790.
  • O Richard, ô mon Roi was the operatic aria adopted by Royalists as social and political tensions intensified in France. Revolutionaries in other music works, like Ça Ira, contested the aria.
  • The musical culture was so important in France because it was the only source of expression available to all people.
  • Answers will vary but should include thought on which side of the revolution journalists would fall. Essays should reflect thought on how information would be presented in such a volatile time.

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