Glencoe Biology

Section 1: Applied Genetics

Self-Check Quizzes

A ____ can determine an exact genotype.
B)hybridization process
D)test cross
What does a Ww indicate in this figure?

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A)homozygous genotype in a cross test
B)heterozygous genotype in a test cross
C)homozygous genotype resulting from inbreeding
D)heterozygous genotype resulting from inbreeding
Which of these statements is not true of inbreeding?
A)Desired traits can be passed to offspring.
B)Two closely related organisms are bred together.
C)Harmful recessive traits can never be passed to offspring.
D)Undesired traits can be eliminated.
What are two advantages of agricultural hybridization?
A)time efficiency and low cost
B)increased adaptability and crop yields
C)decreases fertility and disease-resistance
D)decreased adaptability and crop yields
Study the Punnett squares in the figure. What will the result be if the white grapefruit is homozygous?

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A)all offspring will be heterozygous.
B)all offspring will be homozygous.
C)ratio of heterozygous to homozygous will be 1:2
D)ratio of heterozygous to homozygous will be 2:1
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