Language and Composition: The Art of Voice (Muller and Whiting)

Chapter 9: Media, Sports, and Popular Culture: What Is the Message?


To what is Robert Warshow alluding in his title "The Gangster as Tragic Hero"?
A)the Bible
B)the ancient Greeks
What comparison does Gloria Steinem make in her essay "Wonder Woman"?
A)She compares Wonder Woman of the 1940s to Wonder Woman of the 1980s.
B)She compares Wonder Woman's powers to male superheroes' powers.
C)She compares how comic book heroes and villains changed over time.
D)All of these answers are correct.
What rhetorical strategy does Susan Bordo use to open her essay "The Globalization of Eating Disorders"?
A)She presents a startling statistic.
B)She asks a question.
C)She narrates a personal episode in her life.
D)She describes a dramatic situation.
Against whom or what does Todd Gitlin compare the glut of media images bombarding us today?
A)Vermeer's world
B)the Cold War
C)Roman theater
D)future technology
Which literary piece does Deborah Ross use to compare Disney movies against in her essay?
A)Hunchback of Notre Dame
B)Anna Karenina
C)War and Peace
D)The Female Quixote
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