Language and Composition: The Art of Voice (Muller and Whiting)

Chapter 9: Media, Sports, and Popular Culture: What Is the Message?

Context Links

ROBERT WARSHOW, The Gangster As Tragic Hero

Context Links

This is an analysis of Warshow’s writing. What made his writing unique to the time period?

Review this list of mob movies by cable channel AMC. Have you seen any of these films? Do they fit into Warshow’s definition of gangster movies?

DANIEL BARNA, Today's Leading Man

Context Links

The online version of Barna’s essay includes links to other essays in the same series. Read one of the other essays and contrast it to Barna’s.


Context Links

Do a Google image search for “Wonder Woman.” What do you notice about the changing versions of Wonder Woman?

This blog entry is about two covers of Ms. magazine featuring Wonder Woman. What are the differences that the writer notes?

SUSAN BORDO, The Globalization Of Eating Disorders

Context Links

Read through some customer reviews of Bordo’s book Unbearable Weight. Do they seem reliable? Are you more or less likely to read her book after reading the reviews?

TODD GITLIN, Supersaturation, Or, The Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling

Context Links

Bill Moyers did a special on media consolidation for PBS. You can learn more about it here. What is the most surprising thing you learned at this site?

Here is a site from PBS for parents about children and media. Do you find it reliable? Why or why not?

Read about Robert D. Putnam’s book Bowling Alone. How does the thesis of the book relate to Gitlin’s essay?

DEBORAH ROSS, Escape From Wonderland: Disney and the Female Imagination

Context Links

One mother reacts to the Disney princess marketing in our culture. How does this relate to Ross’s essay? Does this marketing to young children bother you? Why or why not?

Analyze the official Disney Princess page. What might young girls learn about themselves and their image at this site?

ASHLEY WALKER, What Do Athletes’ Salaries Say About American Values?

Context Links

For another perspective on professional athletes salaries, read this essay.

Research your favorite athlete (or team). How much are they paid? Write a short essay about whether you think they should be earning that amount.

GEORGE F. WILL, Professional Baseball Players Live Life By ‘The Codes’

Context Links

Here is another article similar to Will’s essay about “codes” in baseball. Compare and contrast the two pieces of writing.

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