Language and Composition: The Art of Voice (Muller and Whiting)

Chapter 11: Nature and the Environment: How Do We Relate to the Natural World?

Networking Features

Conducting a Multimedia Research Project
Select a current environmental problem and develop a research project that incorporates multiple media to inform your audience about the problem. Consider approaching this as a documentary that includes visuals like graphs, maps, and photographs—or as a hyperlinked paper that includes links to interviews, newscasts, and so on. You could also develop an oral presentation that incorporates audio, video, and even a print handout. Do not choose your project’s components at random; figure out what genres and media would best suit your purpose, which is to educate your audience about this problem.

Creating an Informational Web Page
Write an extended definition of an environmental problem, such as runoff or deforestation. Then write and design a single Web page that defines and provides important at-a-glance information about the environmental problem and some solutions to it. The Web page’s purpose should be to inform the public by providing facts. Incorporate one image and provide a few select hyperlinks.

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