Biology (Mader), 10th Edition

Chapter 39: Locomotion and Support Systems

Robot Muscle

Objective: The student will explore the most current developments in artificial muscle technology and be able to discuss examples of how this technology could be applied to a variety of applications in society.

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The artificial muscles created by the scientists are made up of:
D)human muscle cells

The artificial muscles in the article:
A)are 10,000 times stronger than human muscle
B)are fueled by ATP energy
C)run on biodiesel fuel
D)none of the above

The contraction of the artificial muscle:
A)depends upon a catalyst coating the muscle components
B)is powered by the addition of alcohol
C)occurs due to heating of the metallic muscle components
D)a and b
E)all of the above

In the article, the scientists suggest that the artificial muscles could one day:
A)be powered by biodiesel fuel
B)be used to create enhanced prosthetic devices
C)power artificial hearts
D)all of the above
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